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And that's as it should be. We, the people, put this communist disaster into office and we are going to have to remove him!

Megan Kelly in video below: This is all an exercise in just, you know, theoretical discussion because nobody's going to indict the president of the united states.

Megan - there is a saying, argue for your limitations and you get to keep them. Every talking head in this country says the same thing. No guts in all of congress to impeach and bring to trial Hussein Obama. It is almost as if that is a talking point issued by the White House that even conservatives obediently regurgitate. Know what I'm saying dear?

H/T Eatgrueldog - Allen West - In breach of his oath? It's time to impeach.

The time has come to stop dancing around the word "impeachment."

one of the most politically corrupt cities in America: Chicago. It is the home of "Rules for Radicals" author Saul Alinsky as well as the most corrupt, lying, radical president this country will ever know, Barack Hussein Obama.

Clearly, the Rule of Law is not applicable in Obama's world, it's just a framework which he feels he can fundamentally transform at his will. But America does not live by imperial edict granted from on high by his highness. Heck, that's why we had a revolution in the first place.

In Boston, Obama said these plans were junk and the insurance companies were bad apples. His own henchwoman, HHS Secretary Sebelius issued a decree making these plans non-compliant. But now the Emperor waves his hand and presto change-o, they are in compliance -- in other words our Dear Leader is granting his permission.

This man is a manipulative liar. His arrogance is beyond comprehension. He has, in true Alinsky-esque fashion, picked the individual insurance market to demonize and set up the industry for blame.

Obama has once again demonstrated his disdain for America, Americans, and our Constitution. I say now is the time for good ol' fashioned American civil disobedience. From today, let no one sign up for Obamacare. It's not a law, just the bidding of a narcissistic megalomaniac.

If Americans do not finally see the arrogant lawlessness of this person who no longer holds regard for the Office of the Presidency, then God help us, for He shall certainly not bless us. What more do people need to see and endure? This disgraceful era must now end.

The president is in violation of his oath and yes, he should be removed from office by impeachment. Let the call ring across the land from sea to shining sea.

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