Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88863 |
- Wake up America Jun 16, 2014, 8:01 am
By Susan Duclos
The Washington Free Beacon has revealed some newly discovered Hillary Clinton tapes and published a video of the recordings for everyone to hear Hillary Clinton herself as she discusses, and laughs, about defending a child rapist in the early 1980s.
The man was accused of raping a 12 year-old little girl and Hillary admits, quite frankly that she knew he was guilty, going as far as to say (heard at the 1:52 minute mark in the video below) "I had him take a polygraph, which he passed ' which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," then she laughs.
The entire story can be read at the Free Beacon, but the video of these newly unearthed recordings can be seen below and is a much watch for anyone even thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton as president, should she decide to run for office in 2016.
Cross posted at Before It's News ...