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Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88891

- Wake up America Jun 19, 2014, 8:00 am

By Susan Duclos


Videographer Jason A has put together a disturbing compilation of footage showing that there is something very big and very bad happening in America right now.

 Starting with the brand new UN trucks captured on camera in Georgia, USA,  while the person taking the footage is talking and wondering what the hell is going on, to news clips of events occurring now that are very troubling, to militants in Iraq and the atrocities they are committing, along with much more happening right here in America, that when seen all together, paints a picture of a world facing an implosion of epic proportions, and the increasing likelihood of the US being locked down into martial law as part of the New World Order.

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 (WARNING- language alert in the first short segment as the videographer expresses his thoughts at seeing the UN trucks being transported)

Cross posted at Before it's News


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