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Home  Aggregator    Hawk & Steve Quayle Alert: Massive False Flag Has Begun  88911

Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88911

- Wake up America Jun 21, 2014, 2:00 pm

By Susan Duclos


"What's getting ready to happen will be much worse than you think it might be" - Hawk

We have a twofer here ladies and gentleman, with alerts coming from all directions over the plans which have already begun for the next false flag, with headlined news, witness accounts and the Hawk video below, we see that 13 years after the first Anthrax false flag attack here in America, according to Hawk, anywhere from 75 to 86 people at the CDC have been exposed to anthrax.

The numbers are ranged because the "official" reports keep changing, starting at 75, then increased to 86 and the latest showing 84, according to Hawk.

First the Steve Quayle alert from someone who received a "training alert" on June 19, 2014:

Is a false flag scenario of Anthrax attack in the works? The scenario was a massive Anthrax outbreak and the setting up of numerous vaccination distribution posts. The scenario was just over the top in being outrageous

Dear Steve,

I just read your recent alerts. I am a volunteer for the (REDACTED) in my state and received a training alert yesterday. These alerts come through occasionally with various disaster scenarios and locations within the state and the goal is to see how many volunteers would be able to respond at any given time. The one that came via email yesterday really alarmed me and is related to the recent posts on your alert section.

The scenario was a massive Anthrax outbreak and the setting up of numerous vaccination distribution posts. The scenario was just over the top in being outrageous for any real life situation unless the intent was to promote fear or the set-up for some type of false flag event. I couldn't believe the coincidence after reading the alerts you posted today along with the recent cost and lack of availability of Tetracycline. Tetracycline in the past has been one of the cheapest and most readily available antibiotics on the market. SQ NOTE-REMEMBER TETRACYCLINE IS ALSO USED TO TREAT THE BUBONIC PLAGUE-OH THE WICKED PLANS OF THESE GLOBALISTS RELEASE THE PLAGUES AND CHARGE YOU FOR THE CURE!

In the video below, Hawk first delves into the anthrax false flag from 13 years ago, pointing to the similarities of what we see happening now, specifically highlighting the anthrax used then came from a laboratory that produced "military grade," anthrax..... weaponized.

The portion about the anthrax false flag starts at the 9 minute mark.

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Cross posted at Before It's News


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