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Home  Aggregator    Senator: ‘Plots To Kill Americans’ & ‘We’re On The Verge Of Something Serious’  88919

Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88919

- Wake up America Jun 23, 2014, 8:00 am

By Susan Duclos

 "We're on the verge of something serious," states Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Dianne Feinstein in a CNN interview, shown below.

 Many concerning quotes came out of the first six minutes of this interview, specifically Feinstein's assurance that not only was the intelligence committee blindsided by the speed the militant group ISIS was able to take over a third of Iraq, but she states emphatically that "there will be a plot to kill Americans."

 Feinstein also drops the bombshell that they know of at least 100 Americans that entered the arena, then go to a European country that has Visa waivers, then just waltzing back onto American soil to carry those plots out.

 The Middle East is literally ready to explode.

Listen to the entire interview.

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Cross posted at Before It's News


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