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Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88950

- Wake up America Jun 27, 2014, 8:00 am

By Susan Duclos

 Mox News has uploaded a segment of RT that is very disturbing as they first show a statement by John McCain and states "John McCain Might Have Just Set Us Up For The Next 9/11!"

 We are reminded of our previous arming, training, enabling and supporting a man named Osama bin Laden, in much the same way we have done with the terror group ISIS that has been in the news, arguably even more brutal than bin Laden and al-Qaeda, as well as their leader's threats about attacking the US right here on American soil.

This is not about whether people believe 9/11 was an inside job or not, bin Laden claimed responsibility and the issue of whether we allowed it and aided in the attack is a debate for another day, the point is, we are repeating history and worse than that, our politicians are too stupid to learn from the mistakes of the past and if they did, but still took these actions, then they are deliberately setting us up for another 9/11.

An excellent catch and connection of dots by RT and Mox News.

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