Aggregator • Wake up America • ID=88965 |
- Wake up America Jun 30, 2014, 12:00 pm
By Susan Duclos
It is only 3:40 minutes long, but this short, heartfelt statement made in the video below by Paul Washer is the most terrifying a Christian can hear, because it is the truth, it is what we are seeing play out right this second across the globe and it is the final plan being fulfilled by the Illuminati, according to the videographer that uploaded it.
Every person of faith should hear it, share it, hammer it home to those that are unaware, asleep, not paying attention.... all they have to do is look at the news to see that every single word uttered is happening now, as you read this, as you listen and it is not being addressed by church leaders in any meaningful way.
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Cross posted at Before It's News