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October 31, 2007

March 11th bombings

Today the sentence to all the 28 accused of the bombings has been read. The first thing I have to say is that I am perplexed, really surprised by the result. And that's why I'm surprised Zapatero is so happy about the sentence (or so he has said). Three persons were considered as "masterminds" of the attacks: Mohammed the Egiptian (acquitted entirely), Youssef Belhadj (12 years for belonging to terrorist gang) and Hassan el Haski (15 years for being leader of a terrorist gang). None of them is considered to have taken part in the bombings.... ... more

Posted at 3:00 PM

October 12, 2007

Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy To Receive Congressional Medal Of Honor

"His objective was clear: to make one last valiant attempt to save his two teammates" Only the third medal of honor awarded since the start of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq (h/t Ace): Murphy, 29, was leading a four-man observation team in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush mountains when they were spotted by Taliban fighters on June 28, 2005. During the intense battle, Murphy and two of his men -- Gunner's Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Danny Dietz and Sonar Technician 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew Axelson -- were killed, and a fourth man, former Special Warfare Operator 1st Class (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell, was... ... more

Posted at 2:34 AM

October 10, 2007

Are Islamists Worse than Other Terror Groups?

It drives me absolutely nuts when leftists attempt to apply their distorted, twisted, convoluted logic to assign some type of moral,. theological, or political equivalence betweem Islamic terrorism and Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, as most recently portrayed in the leftist, anti-American, Christian Amanpour's CNN (The New York Times of TV) special, "Gods Warriors" (she frequently equated Muslim and Jewish extremism, failing to distinguish the vast difference in scale of and support for violence in the respective faiths). And lets not forget that CNN faux documentary, "The War Within," in which Christiane Amanpour "inanely attributed Islamic supremacism in Britain to George... ... more

Posted at 12:07 AM

October 9, 2007

Dhimmitude 101: Islamotards Give It The Ole College Try, And A Leftist Administration Supports Them

By "Ole College Try" we mean hanging hundreds of controversial posters around the campus at George Washington University to gain sympathy for their fellow Islamofascists, albeit they claim that they did it to oppose Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, an event being held beginning Oct. 22. Posters put up around the GW campus by Islamotard Islamofascists read, "Hate Muslims? So do we!!!" So, how does a liberal leftist university administration deal with radical Islamists hanging fake anti-Islamotard posters in an attempt to discredit a conservative foundation that opposes Islamofascism and sharia law ? By clamping down on The Young America's Foundation who... ... more

Posted at 11:59 PM

Iranian students attack 'fascist Ahmadinejad' ?

As Robert Spencer notes, they applauded him at Columbia University, but in Tehran, students protested against him. We're talking, of course, about Columbia's Arrogant, Ignorant Decision and the head Islamofascist terrorist himself, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the man who Promises to Supply Terrorists With Nukes. Apparently students at an Iranian university are far more concerned about Islamic fascism and Islamic terrorism than are the faculty and students at Columbia University, right here in the good old USA! Given the left's dhimmitude, surely its quite appropriate to be asking our liberal friends, which part of, "alone of the world's major faiths, Islam was... ... more

Posted at 10:35 PM

Another Cause of Islam's Image Problem

David Thompson offered a few thoughts on a Times article a couple of days ago that you don't want to miss. Apparently Muslim medical students are demanding qualifications they haven't earned and Muslim checkout staff are refusing to handle alcohol: "Some Muslim medical students are refusing to attend lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases because they claim it offends their religious beliefs. Some trainee doctors say learning to treat the diseases conflicts with their faith, which states that Muslims should not drink alcohol and rejects sexual promiscuity. A small number of Muslim medical students have... ... more

Posted at 10:32 PM

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