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February 11, 2011

Breaking: Mubarak has stepped down (Confirmed)

This time ... for real! Right now on Fox News ... the Egyptian VP has announced that Mubarak has in fact stepped down (this time for sure?), and in Tahir square, the protesters are chanting ... "the people have brought the regime down." On television, a roar from the crowd could be heard, horns honking, then suddenly the word came down that Muabarak was out of office and the Egyptian people will be "ruled by a military group." IANS reports wild jubilation in Tahir square. A man that has been in power since the 1980s has been forced out of... ... more

Posted at 11:20 AM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2011

'BBC: Hosni Mubarak 'may be stepping down' (Updated)'

Update: Fox News reports that Mubarak will indeed be stepping down tonight and transferring power to the vice president. From the BBC: A senior member of Egypt's governing party has told the BBC he "hopes" that President Hosni Mubarak will transfer power to Vice-President Omar Suleiman. Hossan Badrawi, secretary general of the National Democratic Party (NDP), said Mr Mubarak would "most probably" speak to the nation soon.The question now is not as much as will Mubarak step down, rather what happens when he does. Like Daniel Larison, I haven't really expected it to happen but I haven't been looking forward... ... more

Posted at 11:34 AM | Comments (0)

'Barack Obama nothing short of a national catastrophe'

Canadian David Solway cuts right to the chase in his piece at PJM today titled "Obama Must Go," saying what many Americans have been thinking but as yet have failed to express in such a direct manner. Known for his polemical outspokenness, Solway flat out says that Barack Obama is the worst possible president at the worst possible time, and pins the blame squarely on Obama not only as a cause of the American malaise but also as an effect of a process of ongoing decay and a reflection of the majority who elected him (calling Obama an offspring of... ... more

Posted at 7:56 AM | Comments (0)

February 8, 2011

Egyptian Journalist on Al-Rahma TV: 'U.S. is Next to Become Islamic State'

Egyptian journalist 'Ata Abd Al-Aal, interviewed on Egypt's Al-Rahma TV outlined a plan for increasing Muslim influence over America, boldly declaring, "The U.S. will be transformed into an Islamic republic" and going so far as to say that he had even heard a sheik in America declare that "the most important place for the future of Islam, after Mecca and Medina, was the U.S." From WND: [...] The journalist explained a three-step plan for increasing Islam's influence on the U.S. The first step is through conversion: "The rate of converts to Islam in the U.S. is very high ... rising... ... more

Posted at 12:58 PM | Comments (0)

DOE-Mandated Arabic Classes Coming to a School Near You?

In a taxpayer-funded program, students will now be required to take Arabic language and culture classes. In addition to the Arabic language, the grant requires "culture, government, art, traditions and history" as part of the curriculum. CBS Dallas/Fort Worth reports: Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield (Texas): Some Students at Mansfield ISD schools could soon be learning Arabic as a required language. The school district wants students at certain schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant. The Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) grant was awarded to Mansfield ISD last summer by the... ... more

Posted at 12:32 PM | Comments (0)

Islamic Sharia Law in Brief: What Americans Need to Know About Islam and Sharia

This excellent detailed and extensive primer on sharia (Islamic law), posted at Australian Islamic Monitor on Feb 5th, should be read by every person living in the West ... especially North America and Australia (its probably too late for much of Europe) that cares about Democracy, freedom, liberty, and western-style justice (as opposed to barbaric "Sharia-based Islam"). Islamic Sharia Law in Brief! By Syed Kamran Mirza Cynicism of the Islamists to promote barbari"Sharia-based Islam" in the west is going on uninterrupted due to the utter ignorance of the westerners about Islamic ideology in general, democratic convenience, and also by the... ... more

Posted at 10:28 AM | Comments (0)

February 5, 2011

Islamic clerics across Iran call for Iranian supreme leader to lead new "international Islam"

Does this have a chance of gaining legs, or is it simply Iranian Islamonistas trying to take advantage of the Muslim Brotherhood's efforts to take power in Egypt. Robert Spencer seems to think it's the latter, saying that we've seen previous Iranian attempts to position itself as the leader of the Islamic world, i.e. ... Its funding of Sunni Hamas, but it's unlikely that Sunnis generally will accept a Shi'ite leader of the ummah. Radio Zamaneh reports: Clergy across Iran used their Friday sermons to spread the idea of a new "international Islam" to be formed under the leadership of... ... more

Posted at 10:19 AM | Comments (0)

Popular Egyptian Blogger and Tweeter Goes Public

Mahmoud Salem, a leading voice of the Egyptian uprising who tweets as , and blogs as Rantings of a Sandmonkey, has now gone public to accuse the police of attacking him: For years, Freedom's Zone (an affiliate of Hyscience operated by our own super-great ... in more ways than just technical ... tech guy) has been hosting Mahmoud's blog site, without knowing his real name (we've known him through emails only as what we knew to be an alias). On February 3, attacks on his site forced our server down and we had to temporarily suspend the account until the... ... more

Posted at 10:14 AM | Comments (0)

February 3, 2011

Rantings of a Sandmonkey: Egypt Right Now!

Due to problems related to traffic and attacks (many from IPs in Saudi Arabia), the blog Rantings of a Sandmonkey (hosted on Freedom's Zone server ... an affiliate of Hyscience), one of Egypt" top bloggers and activists, has been temporarily suspended until the problems can be resolved (hopefully by this evening). Before Sandmonkey was suspended, his last post, dated Thursday, 3 February 2011, was posted below. Follow Sandmonkey on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/Sandmonkey Egypt Right Now! I don't know how to start writing this. I have been battling fatigue for not sleeping properly for the past 10 days, moving from one's... ... more

Posted at 7:51 AM | Comments (0)

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