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June 1, 2005

Freedom's Zone Is Born

Freedom's Zone is an international weblog that was founded jointly by Italian and American bloggers. Our purpose is to promote freedom of speech and liberty of conscience through online publishing and by using a post aggregator to promote blogs who share our sense of mission.

We oppose tyranny of all forms and intend to use our combined talents to fight for the persecuted and the oppressed through our keyboards. Our objective is to defend and extend Western civilization and culture, with all it's existing freedoms, for all people of all faiths, from both sides of the political spectrum. We all share the belief that regardless of whatever differences we may have from our individual religious and political world views, we have more in common with one another, than we have differences.

The mission of Freedom's Zone is to promote freedom of speech and liberty of conscience by supporting those who are persecuted for their beliefs and exposing the diverse and diabolical faces of tyranny.

Inclusion in the Freedom Aggregator is open to all likeminded bloggers from throughout the world who write on freedom related issues and list the Freedom Zone blogroll on their site.

Freedom's Zone authorship is open to established bloggers from both the left and the right, of all countries, subject to approval of the blog's administrative committee, and so long as the applying blog shares a concern for the perpetuation of free speech, the world-wide threat to all people of faiths, both Muslim and non-Muslim, by radical Islamists, and endorses a deep respect for human life.

The Freedom's Zone Administrative Committee is comprised of the initial six founding blogs, 3 from the U.S. and 3 from Italy.

Freedom's Zone does not support any political party in any country, but does support the issues of free speech, the freedom to practice one's faith, and a universal respect for human life.

Freedom's Zone supports:
Freedom of speech, liberty of conscience, the freedom to practice and express one's faith as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others, and respect for human life.

Freedom's Zone is against:
The many faces of tyranny, persecution and oppression, terrorism in all its forms and actions that coerce others to submit to a particular belief system.

Freedom's Zone is establishing a blogroll that will list all aggregated blogs, and will is presently selecting the first ten posting authors, five from the U.S., and five from Italy. This number will be increased at a later date.

For information on joining the Freedom's Zone blogroll and aggregators, email . Presently, the aggregator has a preliminary filter to key off "freedom", "orianna", "islam", "terrorism", and "liberty." Other key words are to be added shortly.

Posted by Richard at June 1, 2005 11:06 AM

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