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August 14, 2008

Vigil Held For 42 Suspected Illegals Arrested in ICE Raid at Dulles Airport

ABC news reported last night that a vigil was held outside of ICE headquarters for 42 suspected illegal aliens who were arrested in a raid at Dulles International Airport yesterday. ICE agents made the arrests about 5.a.m. at a checkpoint for workers entering the airport grounds:

Several family members and immigration advocates protested outside of ICE headquarters, demanding the workers receive due process. "They are arresting people who are honest, people who have been building America and they arrest them. What we are demanding right now is that they give a chance to have an attorney."

Hats off to ICE for doing their job, for a change (or should I say hats off to our government for letting ICE do its job, for a change)

The nephew of Senon Ortiz was one of the 42 construction workers arrested at the airport. "We want the U.S. government to think before it begins breaking up families and treating hard-working men like criminals."

One woman, who was afraid to be identified, was trying to find her husband. With tears running down her face, she said, "We don't do anything wrong in this country. We just come looking to better our situation."

"With tears running down her face, she said, "We don't do anything wrong in this country. We just come looking to better our situation." Excuse me lady, did I miss something here? Did you not break America's immigration laws by entering our country illegally in the first place? Do American citizens not have the right to protect our borders and identify who is coming and going from sensitive areas, especially our nations airports? And as for the reporter responsible for the "With tears running down her face," comment in the report, does he or she not have any freaking common sense? Sure, we all have compassion for these people, but they are , they have broken the law; that's why they are called i-l-l-e-g-a-l aliens.

HT - "Hamden"

Posted by Richard at August 14, 2008 6:30 AM

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