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August 18, 2005
Torturing Bloggers who Fight for Freedom
Curt Hopkins founded the Committee to Protect Bloggers after reading an article about the detention and torture of Iranian bloggers.
He writes that Iran has imprisoned more than 20 bloggers in the last six to eight months. Similarly, Bahrain imprisoned three moderators of BahrainOnline, a bulletin board service, including the chief, a blogger named Ali Abdulemam. And, of course, China has a huge number of "cyberdissidents" behind bars. Security police in Malaysia and Syria have hauled bloggers in for interrogation.
Although governments can supress the press, the internet has provided new tools for freedom fighting.
Blogging is so decentralized that the complete suppression of dissent is becoming increasingly impractical.And this is what FreedomsZone is all about.
Posted by tim at August 18, 2005 4:05 AM