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« Announcement of Blogburst: 'Stand Up For Denmark' | Main | Germany Bows Down To Sharia - Convicts Man Of 'Insulting Islam' »

February 23, 2006

Announcement Of Blogburst Instructions: 'Stand Up For Denmark' (Important Updates)

support_denmark1.jpg The Freedom's Zone international blogging community is encouraging all bloggers to help 'Stand Up For Denmark' by immediately writing a post on Christopher Hitchens' call for a demonstration at the Embassy of Denmark, between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24.

Please be outside the Embassy of Denmark, 3200 Whitehaven Street (off Massachusetts Avenue) between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24. Quietness and calm are the necessities, plus cheerful conversation. Danish flags are good, or posters reading "Stand By Denmark" and any variation on this theme (such as "Buy Carlsberg/ Havarti/ Lego") The response has been astonishing and I know that the Danes are appreciative. But they are an embassy and thus do not of course endorse or comment on any demonstration. Let us hope, however, to set a precedent for other cities and countries. Please pass on this message to friends and colleagues.
Please also post that for those who cannot attend the demonstration, they are encouraged to call and email the Danish embassy, and offer their support and appreciation for their standing up to freedom and the right of free speech that is so much a part of our Western culture:
Embassy of Denmark



After the date of the event, bloggers are encouraged to post on at least 3 "free speech" issues a week, and also encourage their readers to continue voicing their concern and support for free speech by emailing their friends to help keep the emails of support (to the Danish embassy) going for the Dane's stand on freedom over sharia.

All Freedom's Zone bloggers are encouraged to cross post to Freedom's Zone, any freedom of speech or anti-sharia issue (or any other issue consistant with our mission). If you are not already a member of the Freedom's Zone international blogging community, and wish to participate, you can apply by just emailing us via our contact link on the banner. If you have recently applied, we will be getting back to you shortly. Your posts at your blog will be included in the FZ aggregator as soon as you are accepted.

The new "Stand Up For Denmark" Freedom's Zone logo is available to all bloggers wanting to display their participation in the blogburst. Just link back to FZ from your blog.

Freedom's Zone is owned by the international blogging community that supports it through posting and sharing the message and mission.

Important Update: Mr. Hitchens also mentioned that people who couldn't join the demonstration of support in Washington, D.C. might want to appear at the closest Danish consulate office. Here is a list of the offices found on the Embassy of Denmark's website. Some of them are clearly not large offices, but some look like they have official diplomatic personnel working there. (Hat tip - Jill)

Hat tip to Michelle Malken for her link to us today in support for "Stand Up For Denmark".

Posted by Richard at February 23, 2006 12:57 PM

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