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March 5, 2006
Al Qaeda's Zawahri Calls For Strikes Against West
This is not what I was in the mood to wake up to this beautiful Sunday morning, but :
Al Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims to attack the West in an audio tape posted on the Internet on Saturday, urging similar strikes as those against New York, London and Madrid in recent years.There's so much that could be said about these comments that one doesn't know where to begin,so I'll limit my comments to just one pet peeve of mine. Yes I'm sick and tired of all the Islam-related turmoil and violence in the world today, and about all those sick-minded sensitivities over those damned silly cartoons, and yes, I'm also tired of hearing about all the "religion of peace" nonsense from a people and their culture that are a seemingly bottomless wellspring of violence, hate, intolerance, and death throughout the world. But these things I've come to expect out of the Islamists. What ticks me off most is the reference of the Islamists to "Muslim oil."In a video of his remarks aired by Al Jazeera television, Zawahri also urged the Islamist militant group Hamas not to recognize peace deals signed by the Palestinian Authority with Israel.
He also called on Muslims to boycott countries where satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad had been published, including Denmark, Norway, France and Germany, and said that Muslims should prevent the West from "stealing Muslims' oil."
I'm tired of hearing about this "Muslim oil" nonsense, as though the West hasn't invested in the infrastructure and development of "Muslim oil" fields and production facilities, let alone developed the technology that has provided a customer base that has for far too long paid dearly for that so-called "Muslim oil," and provided the funds that have provided Muslim terrorists their cell phones, computers, and weaponry that they use in their sick jihad - not to mention the food on their plates, the clothes on their backs, the roof over their heads, and the medical technology and medicines that help keep them alive in the first place.
I'm all for the West spending whatever it takes to rid ourselves of having any need whatsoever of their dirty liquid that pollutes our earth while draining our wallets and funding their jihad against us via Muslim oil masters that funnel our petro-dollars to outlets of Islamic jihad. Let the Arab Middle East continue to live in the middle ages while they go on killing each other over whose manner of belief in whatever prophet they want to believe in is the "true" whatever!
I apologize to readers for this early Sunday morning rant, but now that I feel all better, I'm going to have breakfast and make my way to mass where I won't be hearing anything about infidels, hate, violence, murder, suicide, and an obsession to rule the world.
For that I'd have to go to Friday prayers in a mosque, likely have to understand Arabic, and work hard at trying to figure out which people in the room are "moderates" and which ones are likely to blow me and my neighbors up at the local coffee shop or pizza parlor. To my many Muslim friends that I know to be secular and moderate, and hate having to deal with this issue or even hearing about it at all, I apologize in advance for having to make the obvious, more obvious. But without your help, this is just going to get tougher on all of us!
Cross posted by Hyscience
Posted by Richard at March 5, 2006 9:23 PM