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March 20, 2006

Iraq Update - The Real Story

Dean Esmay points out that the Iraq operation has followed a predictable pattern of non-stop negative press caused by one thing and one thing only: horrible fascist murderers set off bombs in a few of Iraq's provinces, and some street thugs murder each other in reprisal. It's then followed by a spurt of good news that the press, to their chagrin, just can't keep a lid on. Then, it's back to making fascists who murder innocents the media darlings of the day.

So it's time to once again, as we've all done in the past because the MSM refuses to do so, put things into a proper perspective, although looking at his commentors, there's still some skeptics out there.

However, as Dean suggests, we could all spend much less time repeadedly going over the history of a war that we're still working to win. Why is it that some among us seem to have so much trouble recognizing that we're in a war for the survival of our civilization and that we must make sure that we win it. Why can't we all work together to expedite the victory instead of having some, for their own political purposes, continue to attempt to steal defeat out of the hands of a certain victory were we all to work together?

Hat tip - Jawa Report

Posted by Richard at March 20, 2006 3:35 PM

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