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March 10, 2006
Muslims drive the agenda of the Eurabian Foreing Ministers
Today and tomorrow, the Foreing Ministers of the 25 members states of the Eurabian Union will hold a summit in the Austrian city of Salzburg. The agenda is dominated by Islamic-Arab related issues:
- Integration of Balkan countries into the EU. Three Muslim countries among them: Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo. The future status of Kosovo is also in the agenda, with the EU lobbying for its independence.
- The Palestinian Hamas election victory.
- The Iran nuclear dispute.
On Saturday, Abdullah Gul, Turkey's foreign minister, will open a session on the dialogue between Europe and the muslim world:
Mr Gul is set to introduce his idea for an "Alliance of Civilisations" amid differing views of member states on how far the EU should go in publicly apologising for the Danish cartoons depicting Mohamed, which have strained ties between Europe and the Islamic world.
"Strained ties"? I am afraid that we have put ourselves those ties around the neck and we have become entangled with the pro-Muslim agenda.
Read more: Balkans to dominate EU foreign ministers' Salzburg agenda
You can see also in the home page of the EU-Observer the dominance of topics related to Muslim world.
Posted by at March 10, 2006 2:09 PM