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April 12, 2006

Islamists post list of apostates to kill

"We are the supporters of the Prophet group. After our debates and discussions with our brothers, the commanders of the Islamic groups and organizations in the Islamic land...Al-Jama'ah Consultative Council decided to grant those who are charged with apostasy and denying religion a three-day grace period to announce their repentance, renounce their writings about denying the sunnah of our prophet...
If they do not respond to the God and His Prophet, we will follow them everywhere they go and at anytime; and they can never be far from the swords of truth, and they are closer to us that our shoelaces. They are monitored day and night. We are fully aware of their hiding places, their houses, their children's schools, and the times when their wives are alone at home. We gave our rules to the soldiers of God to execute the rule of God so that their blood can become close to God [to kill them] and burn their houses...
continues here

Posted by Doc at April 12, 2006 12:56 PM

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