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June 7, 2006
Multiculturalism equals opliteration of freedom
Multiculturalism can equal the downfall of a country, as we have seen in Europe recently. I'm not talking about the multiculturalism that "stresses mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country" that we here in America practice every day of our lives.
What I am talking about is "multiculturalism that seeks to obliterate the value of a free, industrialized civilization (which today exists in the West and elsewhere), by declaring that such a civilization is no better than primitive tribalism. More deeply, it seeks to incapacitate a mind's ability to distinguish good from evil, to distinguish that which is life promoting from that which is life negating."
We are opposed to this destructive doctrine. We hold that moral judgment is essential to life. The ideas and values that animate a particular culture can and should be judged objectively. A culture that values freedom, progress, reason and science, for instance, is good; one that values oppression, stagnation, mysticism, and ignorance is not. Ayn Rand Corporation
One recent example of this is the documentary film "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West". The movie was to premier in Canada, but Shahina Siddiqui, the president of the Islamic Social Services Associations told the press, "I want the police to identify this as hate propaganda." So much for free speech, just try to declare something 'hate propaganda' and stop anyone from being able to 'choose' to view it or not. It's not hate if it's true.
The Canadian terrorists are now giving some reasons for their planned attacks, "images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, and anger at what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home". (London Telegraph) The truth is there is no excuse. These are just evil men, taught evil by Imams in mosques that were opened under the guise of teaching peace.
Continue reading "Multiculturalism equals opliteration of freedom" here at Right Truth
Posted by Debbie at June 7, 2006 11:07 AM