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June 14, 2006
On The Necessity Of War
Muslihoon points to "an excellent article on the Left and their anti-war propaganda."
Two telling lessons mentioned in the article serve to summarize how the Left and the media have served to enable and aid our enemies:
... As David Horowitz, who helped organize the first campus demonstrations against the war at UC Berkeley in 1962, has written: "Every testimony by North Vietnamese generals in the postwar years has affirmed that they knew they could not defeat the United States on the battlefield, and they counted on the division of our people at home to win the war for them."Read the rest of article ...... A 6,000-word letter dated July 8, 2005, from Osama bin Laden's No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, shows our enemies hope history will repeat. "(W)e are in a battle," Zawahiri wrote, "and more than half this battle is in the media."
Posted by Richard at June 14, 2006 6:12 PM