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June 2, 2006
Tribu KA rampage through Jewish part of Paris with baseball bats
Black youths belonging to a group named Tribu KA ran amuck carrying baseball bats shouting anti semitic slogans in the Jewish quarter of Paris yesterday. What reason did they have for this brutality? "Because members of a Jewish Defense group , allegedly manhandled black youths at a memorial rally for Ilan Halimi, a 23 year old Jewish man who had been kidnapped and tortured for 3 weeks in February 2006, by a group of black Muslims."
Tribu KA issued a 'declaration of war' against Jewish people, specifically the Jewish Defense League. Who are the Tribu KA?
Tribu KA describes themselves as being 'Kemites' and the chosen black people who were made to rule the world. Kemet is the word for ancient Egypt and evokes Egyptian symbolism as a basis for a crypto theological belief which is propagated by members of the Nation of Islam who believe that "Western man has retroffitted Kemetic technology to build modern civilisation." source
The website Western Resistance shows the link between the Barbarian group which kidnapped,tortured and killed the Jewish man Ilan Halimi 2 months ago in Paris and the black supremacist 'Kemite Party" and the racial and Islamist origins of the ongoing Paris riots.
"A factor that may link the suburban unrest with the anti-semitism of the "Barbarians" who kidnapped and murdered Ilan Halimi, may come from the so-called "philosophy" of the group Tribu K or Tribu Ka, founded by Kemi Saba (aka Kami Saba, pictured). The group is founded on principles formerly espoused by the Black Muslims of the United States. Kemi Saba himself admits in an interview that he was a follower of the Nation of Islam, and had attended a NoI mosque (Mosque 27) in Los Angeles, where he became "galvanised" on his mission."
Western Resistance here has the 'mission statement', connectin with US groups such as the NAACP, links to a related film, and even a rap musician who is connected.
This is a case of clearcut anti semitism. What are officials in France doing? Interior Minister Sarkozy has shut down their website which incites to hate and violence and is studying a proposal to dissolve the group. Well, good luck with that. What about arresting and locking up some of these folks? If I remember correctly, the murders of Ilan Halimi were illegal immigrants to France.
For more reading and photos on Ilan Halimi:
MSM fails to identify death of Ilan Halimi as racial
Update on Ilan Halimi, tortured and killed by French Muslims
Political Islam in France and the World
Posted by Debbie at June 2, 2006 9:34 AM