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July 19, 2006
World War III--Abolitionists Versus Slavery Part II
My calling the people of absolute dictatorships civil slaves has occasioned some comments important enough to respond to here and in Part III.
An exchange with Walter W. Cox (published with permission):
I have been wondering...if this line of thought really passes a "reality check." What got me to thinking about it is this: I know that I would MUCH rather be a citizen of the People's Republic of China, or of Putin's Russia, than a slave in the American South circa 1850. Even though the Chinese and the Russians, like other unfree peoples, lack political freedom, they still enjoy far more autonomy than did American blacks during slavery.
I'm not arguing with your premise that the citizens of autocratic states are indeed enslaved. But perhaps some "reality check" distinction needs to be made to reflect the fact that not all their rights have been completely abrogated.
(Continued here)
Posted by Rudy at July 19, 2006 9:59 PM