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July 17, 2006
World War III--It's Abolitionists Versus Slavery
We are engaged in World War III, as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has pointed out on NBC's "Meet the Press." A few days before on Hannity & Colmes (7/13/06), he made clear who the enemy is:
"The core decision we make -- and this needs to be a national debate and a worldwide debate -- is between those of us who believe we're in a war between civilization and terrorism, whether it is state terrorism in North Korea, Syria and Iran or non-state terrorism in Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda or whether in fact our job is to appease those who are made uncomfortable by the price of defeating terrorism.... We need to defeat these people, not just accommodate them and that's going to mean replacing the three governments.Questioned about his "Meet the Press" statement by Time, he said, "I think the clarity of the term 'Third World War' is enormously helpful."
He is correct. We are engaged in World War III to be sure, but to say the enemy is "terrorism" is not quite right. Sudan, Burma, Cuba, and Zimbabwe are not instigating terrorist attacks against us, and yet they are on the other side of the battle lines. The Third World War we are now fighting is a worldwide war of democracy versus absolute dictatorship in all its forms. Our enemies have not mistaken this. And neither should we.
To fight this war and win we must know our enemies. Generally, we do not, and one of our problems in this war is thinking about our enemies in conventional terms. For example, few seem to realize that the war we are fighting is not only against Islamofascism, but also against absolute dictatorships that support it and are the self-professed enemies of freedom; it is a war for democracy, but also for a democratic peace, and the end to democide and mass impoverishment. And, virtually unknown, is that this also is a war against slavery, where unknowingly the democracies are the abolitionists, and so perceived by the slaveholders. Thus my previous blogs, especially the Emancipation Proclamation On Slavery Today that Lincoln might have written.
I have offered the figure of 2,387,300,000 slaves of absolute dictatorships in the world today, a bit more than one-third of the world's 6.4 billion people. It is a new idea that when thug regimes exercise absolute command over their subjects, this constitutes a form of slavery. Such slavery has been overlooked and ignored, and there is no accepted terminology for describing it. In order to develop such terminology, I will first need to provide a generic understanding of what slavery means.
(Continued here)
Posted by Rudy at July 17, 2006 10:28 PM