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August 12, 2006
CAIR Says We Shouldn't Call Muslim Terrorists - Muslim Terrorists
... That we should not identify terrorists with their religion, that when people rob banks, we don't call them Jewish or Christian bank robbers, and such.
So suicide bombings for a religion equates to robbing banks?
Let CAIR rest assured that when we hear about Jewish or Christian suicide bombers, they will be duly reported as such, and we at Hyscience and our friends at Freedom's Zone will be among the first to do so.
Only in the mind of CAIR (a terrorist-supporting organization) and their spokesperson - the Muslim convert Ibrahim Hooper (Fox News interview), and other Islamist-supporting Muslim groups in the West that accuse the government and the press of Islamophobia.
Not calling a spade a spade, flies in the face of responsibility to identify the root cause of terrorism - a radical Muslim ideology and it's perpetuation, and is an injustice to some 60% or so of the peace-loving Muslims on the planet (estimates of Muslims that follow or are in support of the radical Muslim ideology vary from 15% to 50% - and the number is growing thanks to the vast number of radical clerics, Iran, and Saudi Arabia-funded Wahabbist mosques). CAIR's Islamist apologia is not a proper representation of moderate Muslims, but of course CAIR does not truly represent moderate Muslims, it represents an Islamist agenda - the Islamization of America and the perpetuation of radical Islamic ideology. While there have been occasions when truly moderate Muslims have been responsible for thwarting terrorist plots, CAIR and its ilk have never, I repeat - never, taken any action to thwart a terrorist attack or to even aggressively condemn it in anything but token language highly indicative of the exercise of al-Taqiyya, as when CAIR issued a fatwa against terrorism (excerpt from The CounterTerrorism Blog):
In fact, the fatwa is bogus. Nowhere does it (CAIR) condemn the Islamic extremism ideology that has spawned Islamic terrorism. It does not renounce nor even acknowledge the existence of an Islamic jihadist culture that has permeated mosques and young Muslims around the world. It does not renounce Jihad let alone admit that it has been used to justify Islamic terrorist acts. It does not condemn by name any Islamic group or leader. In short, it is a fake fatwa designed merely to deceive the American public into believing that these groups are moderate. In fact, officials of both organizations (... the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) and the Council on American - Islamic Relations (CAIR)) have been directly linked to and associated with Islamic terrorist groups and Islamic extremist organizations. One of them is an unindicted co-conspirator in a current terrorist case; another previous member was a financier to Al-Qaeda.By the way, I carefully checked every single name on the list of the British Muslim terrorists. And, as I might have guessed, there was not a single Goldberg, Finklestein, O'hara, Smith, or the like among them. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and even atheists - don't do suicide bombings, nor does any civilized, sane, human being that's a member of the modern world. I guess that says a lot about fundamentalist Muslims, that is, Muslim terrorists, Islamic fascists.
Even the Muslim converts changed their names to Muslim names, attended a mosque, and in fact, word, and deed had become radical Muslims. Come on, CAIR, Ibrahim - we've never even been near a turnip truck, much less having had the opportunity to fall off one.
And for Ibrahim Cooper's enlightenment (remember, Hooper's the guy that made news when he was quoted by the Minneapolis Star Tribune as wanting to see the United States governed by sharia law), I seriously doubt, nor should there be, a bank robber identified as a Muslim bank robber. There is a difference between robbing a bank and acts of terror. Terrorism requires that we identify the source and the cause - it's too much of a human catastrophe to do otherwise.
And while we're on the subject of identifying sources and causes of terrorism, CAIR springs to mind as a supporter and an apologist for radical Islam, and a proponent of the Islamization of America, along with the establishment of sharia, Islamic law, in America. AS Daniel Pipes has said, CAIR is particularly worrisome because it claims to be nothing but a mild public affairs organization promoting "interest and understanding among the general public with regards to Islam and Muslims in North America," and is widely seen as such. However, in fact, it is radical to the core; to quote its chairman, Omar M. Ahmad (as reported by the San Ramon Valley Herald in July 1998), "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."
CAIR's record includes the following unpleasantries:
* Apologizing for killers such as Hamas (a group associated with the murder of 7 Americans) and Usama bin Ladin (charged with the devastation of September 11, 2001).So, Ibrahim Hooper and your organization CAIR - stick that in your "pipe" and smoke it. Or rather, stuff it!* Helping promote terrorism: In the words of Steve Pomerantz., a former Chief of Counterterrorism for the FBI, "CAIR, its leaders, and its activities, effectively give aid to international terrorist groups."
* Intimidation of patriotic Muslims who disagree with CAIR's militant agenda: In one case (Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani), the FBI has looked into charges that he received death threats after renouncing the chauvinists. In another (Khalid Durán), CAIR's attack on a writer led to a death edict against him - which CAIR has never denounced. (For details on this latter case, see http://www.danielpipes.org/article/384.)
* Associating with terrorism: Siraj Wahaj, a potential unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993, sits on its advisory board.
* Bias against women: When a prosecutor in Cleveland argued that two Muslim men had engaged in the "honor killing" of their female cousin, CAIR accused him of "ethnic and religious stereotyping" and demanded he be investigated.
* Sponsorship of blatant antisemitism: At a May 1998 rally at Brooklyn College co-sponsored by CAIR, one speaker referred to Jews as "descendants of the apes."
In short, CAIR represents not the great civilization of Islam but a radical utopian movement originating in the Middle East that seeks to impose its ways on the United States. Americans should consider themselves warned: a new danger exists in their midst.
Related: In The Bullpen has more on CAIR's charade and it's dance around reality.
Posted by Richard at August 12, 2006 3:22 PM