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September 21, 2006

Bombshell: ABC independently confirms success of CIA "torture" tactics

water boarding.jpg[Image: Compared to chopping off heads, chopping off fingers and toes, gouging out their eyes, cutting off private parts, all preferred methods of torture used by Islamic terrorists - water boarding is recreation]

Via Blue Crab Boulevard:

Allah has video of Brian Ross from ABC News making an appearance on The O'Reilly Factor. Ross confirms that the harsh questioning technique called "waterboarding" did, with absolute certainty according to Ross, produce detailed information that saved lives. Ross said the information came, in part, from CIA sources firmly opposed to the practice. Those sources appear to also have acknowledged that the technique worked.
Continue reading, "Questioning Techniques."

Video at Allah

The water board technique dates back to the 1500s during the Italian Inquisition. A prisoner, who is bound and gagged, has water poured over him to make him think he is about to drown. Interestingly, back on Nov. 29, 2005, ABC did a piece entitled, "History of an Interrogation Technique: Water Boarding," in which it was very critical of waterboarding.

In waterboarding, a piece of cloth is held tightly over the face, and water is poured onto the cloth. Breathing is extremely difficult and the victim will be in fear of imminent death by asphyxiation (which is a hell of a lot better than actually dying, which is known to occur when one's head is removed from their neck). However, it is relatively difficult to aspirate a large amount of water since the lungs are higher than the mouth, and the victim is unlikely to actually die if this is done by skilled practitioners. Although ABC may have confirmed the technique works, I think most people knowledgeable of the technique already knew that it does, and the issue isn't whether it works or not, rather, is it or isn't it an acceptable means of obtaining information from the terrorists who are determined to kill large numbers of American civilians, because they are naive enough to believe and follow a radical ideology that teaches them that Allah wants them to do so.

The answer to that question lies in degrees of reasonableness in which rational human beings may disagree. But those same rational human beings would find it difficult to disagree that: 1. the terrorists want to kill innocent Americans; 2. they (the terrorists) are determined to do so; 3. should we fail to extract the necessary information from them, many people are likely to die; 4. the technique is not known to cause death, merely the illusion of it; 5. on the balance, it is both irrational and immoral to let innocent people die at the hands of murderers if it can be prevented without committing murder or permanent injury (other than psychological trauma from less than a minute of discomfort).

Are we better than "the enemy? Aren't we "above torture"? Don't we have to take into account what the international community thinks about us? If we use water torture on the enemy, don't we have to worry that they will use it on our troops? You bet we are, a hell of a lot more civil, rational, peaceful, and caring.

However, juxtapose water boarding with the terrorists preferred method of torture - chopping of heads, severing limbs, cutting off private parts, gouging out eyes, and the like, and given the choice, our troops, many of whom have actually endured worse in pre-deployment training, would welcome the opportunity to choose water boarding over death, maiming, and severe and lasting, excrutiating pain. What rational human being that loves life wouldn't? Remember, it's the Islamists that love death more than life.

Where's our sense of proportionality here? Since when does the international community ever approve anything that America does? Why should we give a damned when it comes to saving American lives? Yes, we are indeed better than the enemy which is why we prefer water boarding in special cases, as opposed to chopping off their fingers and toes, gouging out their eyes, cutting off their private parts, and other such evil and dastardly methods of "real torture". Damned, can't we all get over our political agendas and cultural sensitivities and get down to common sense? Human lives are at stake here, and this is an enemy that follows perhaps the most bizzare and evil ideology mankind has ever known - one that actually convinces teenage men that if they blow themselves up and kill as many innocent human beings along with themselves, they get 72 virgins in heaven, that God wants them to do it, and that its a good and proper thing to do.

The take home message: Proportionality plus common sense, minus political agenda = water boarding.

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at September 21, 2006 6:58 AM

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