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September 21, 2006

Buckle Up Bronco, Williams Takes Ahmadinejad to Task

Continuing on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's media tour, NBC's Brian Williams asked very tough questions to Ahmadinejad that everyone wants to know.

Williams: Mr. President, this is not a matter of great concern, this next question, but we have gotten used to seeing you in the tan jacket with the zipper. Today, you are dressed differently. Is that jacket a symbol of your standing or upbringing in Iran?

Ahmadinejad: No. It depends on which one I'm more comfortable wearing. And it of course depends on my colleagues and friends, too. I knew that you were going to wear a suit, so I decided to wear this jacket.

Give this man a Pulitzer! Let me get this straight. You have a man on your turf where his thugs cannot do anything to you. You can ask him about his imprisonment and killing of Iranian pro-Democracy advocates. You can ask him about Iran's nuclear program and why the IAEA says Iran is not being transparent. You can ask him about Chris Charlier, the IAEA inspector Iran insisted be taken off the case.. You can ask him about his nation confiscating satellite dishes from private homes. You can ask him about wanting to erase an entire nation off the map, his repeated invitations to Islam to numerous world leaders and what that actually means, his involvement in the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, his involvement in a European murder, his support for Hezbollah, his war against the Kurds, his view on the Apocalypse and why he wants to bring it forth, Iran's military development, Iran's involvement in Iraq, Iran bankrolling Hezbollah and Hamas, why he says he stands for peace but his nation holds suicide bombing parades and sign-ups, why his nation forbids women from going to football (read: soccer) games or even his view on why he feels if Islam should reign supreme then why would he enter into agreements with Communist Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro (Communism is atheism in Islamist circles).

Nope, we'll have none of that. Our good journalists want to know why he wears a Member's Only jacket and about his wife, to which Ahmadinejad refers to her as a friend and companion but says to her he is just her companion.

On the plus side of things, at least Williams was not accused of being a mouthpiece to the Bush Administration. Robert Spencer has much more.

And by the way, Ahmadinejad wore his Member's Only tan jacket in his '60 Minutes' interview knowing full well the setting should have been more formal. Another lie by Mahmoud.

Posted by Chad at September 21, 2006 4:15 PM

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