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October 3, 2006

'Another Ramadan Muslim holy day, another round of Muslim-on-Muslim killings'

More Muslims have been killed by Muslims, more Muslims continue to be victimized by Muslims, and more Muslims are in danger of dying at the hands of Muslims than non-Muslims. This is a subject that demands a wider examination and attention than has been given by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. - Salim Mansur
Muslim On Muslim Violence.jpgAs the , "Palestinian group threatens to kill Hamas leaders," is coming over the wires, I spotted Ethel C. Fenig's piece at The American Thinker, in which she notes that there is definitely a Muslim genocide underway - but the perpetrators are other Muslims. As evidence, she offers up what she calls "just another small sampling of Ramadan holiday festivities including terrorism":
... The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed wing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, threatened for the first time on Tuesday to kill Hamas leaders, including exiled political chief Khaled Meshaal.

... The threat marked an escalation in the power struggle between Fatah and the ruling Hamas movement after two days of internal fighting in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank in which 12 Palestinians were killed and more than 100 wounded.

... there was less violence Monday compared to the chaos and running street battles that killed eight people and wounded 100 others across Gaza a day earlier.

... These are not isolated incidents; other murderous battles pock Arab areas even in such locations as hospitals and private shops.

... in other violence, a gunbattle erupted at Gaza City's main hospital when relatives of one of Sunday's victims arrived to retrieve his body. Fatah gunmen accompanying them opened fire on Hamas militiamen patrolling the hospital.

... In the northern West Bank city of Nablus, Fatah militants shot at Deputy Prime Minister Nasser Shaer's bodyguards as they rode in a government car, injuring two of them, ...

... In Jericho, a Fatah gunman trying to enforce the general strike shot a shop owner in the head, seriously wounding him, Fatah officials said. The wounded man was also a Fatah member, the officials said.

... The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a Fatah-linked militant group, also circulated a flier threatening to execute Interior Minister Said Siyam, Syria-based Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal and Youssef Zahar, the head of the Hamas militia.

... Up in Lebanon, where radical Muslim Hezb'allah operatives have set up their own mini autonomous terrorist entity amidst a civilian Lebanese area, ...

... The radical faction of the community is demanding the establishment of a Shiite sharia state in the south and the Lebanon Valley.

Fenig closes with a most appropriate question: "If all this violence occurs during a holiday period what will happen when the festive month is over?"

Both Fenig and the rest of us know that "peace and good will do not seem to be in the non-holiday future."

Related: On Islam's worst enemies and how to defeat them - Part I

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at October 3, 2006 10:12 AM

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