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October 16, 2006
China Openly Debating "Regime Change" In Pyongyang
Regardless of whether this is "stirring the pot" to send a warning to Kim or it's for real, it does indeed send a clear message that the nuke test was definately a very bad idea if Kim wants to remain in power: "China may back coup against Kim":
THE Chinese are openly debating "regime change" in Pyongyang after last week's nuclear test by their confrontational neighbour.Continue reading...
Diplomats in Beijing said at the weekend that China and all the major US allies believed North Korea's claim that it had detonated a nuclear device. US director of national intelligence John Negroponte circulated a report that radiation had been detected at a site not far from the Chinese border.
The US may have employed highly classified satellite technology to detect tiny leaks of gas or elements associated with nuclear detonation, according to a diplomatic source in the Chinese capital. This would explain Washington's reluctance to explain the findings in public.
The Washington Times disclosed that US spy satellites photographed North Koreans playing volleyball just a few hundred metres from a test site tunnel after the underground explosion.
The Chinese Government has been ultra-cautious in its reaction. However, since Monday, Foreign Ministry officials have started to make a point of distinguishing between the North Korean people and their Government in conversations with diplomats.
Is Iran listening? Great idea on the regime change idea - that would solve China's problem, the problem that the international community has with N. Korea, and it could also set the stage for a serious attitude adjustment on the part of the Iranian regime.
Posted by Richard at October 16, 2006 9:32 PM