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December 31, 2006
Our 'Next Order of Business'
In one of our previous pieces covering Saddam's execution, I wondered - while speaking of a village peasant trying to be a tribal leader on a grand scale, if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been following Sadaam's hanging. Apparently, Jules Crittenden has been having similar thoughts:
From Tripoli to Syria to Teheran to Beirut to Pyongyang, how many of Saddam Hussein's fellow travelers involuntarily rubbed their own necks as the world was treated to this spectacle of justice for once achieved and not cynically subverted?With Saddam having now met his just reward, what should be done with a guy that is vowing, pledging - to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth and bring the apocalypse to the planet? Waiting until he fulfills his pledge will be just a little bit too late, will it not?
Heads up, Khaddafy, Assad and Ahmadinejad. Heads up, the entire rotten, stunted leadership of the People's Republic of China. Heads up, Kim Jong Il.
Cross posted by Hyscience
Posted by Richard at December 31, 2006 9:42 AM