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January 25, 2007
The 'Quiting' Resolution
Curt at Flopping Aces nails the disgusting action of Senators Hagel, Collins, and Warner and their well meaning but much misguided Democratic friends, for what it truly is: "Damn the troops, damn the war" - to hell with the fact that it only emboldens the enemy as General Petraeus said:
"No matter how well-intentioned, a resolution being opposed to this new strategy is a vote of no confidence in you. No matter how well-intentioned, the enemy will see it as a weakened resolve."We expect idiocy and appeasement of the enemy at a time of war from the Democrats, but to get the same disgusting proclamation from Republicans is now what we've come to expect. ... too many people, both Bush supporters and critics, focus on the numbers instead of the change of strategy itself.
... The self-righteous resolution passed Wednesday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee opposing an increase in troops never mentions a word about the real change of strategy. Making the resolution frivolous at best.
Read much more about the "The Resolution For Quitting" and what action you can take to counter it, at Flopping Aces ...
As Bruce Keller puts it at The Democracy Project, "if there was ever a time for every straight-thinking blogger and blog reader to stand up, loud and clear, this is it." Be sure to read the pledge and sign the petition.
Suggested readings:
Bush's Iraq Strategy is More Than Just Escalation
How can so many people--Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), the Boston Globe, Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson, anti-war senators and on and on--be so ignorant about such a simple concept?Talking Ourselves Into Defeat
... Instead of clearing an area of insurgents and then leaving, as U.S. troops have been doing for too long, they'll now clear and stay, to secure the neighborhood. They'll stay to provide what has been most missing in this war and what poll after poll say that Iraqis want more than anything else: protection and peace.
... The self-righteous resolution passed Wednesday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee opposing an increase in troops never mentions a word about the real change of strategy. Making the resolution frivolous at best."
The United States is talking itself into defeat in Iraq. Its political culture is now in a downward spiral of pessimism. In the halls of Congress, across endless newspaper columns, amid the punditocracy and on Sunday morning talk shows--all emit a Stygian gloom about America.
Source - Hyscience
Posted by Richard at January 25, 2007 12:14 PM