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March 1, 2007

Behrouz Souresrafil on PARS TV: 'America has surrendered and '

After our post yesterday titled, "There Are 'Good' Reasons For Talks With Iran And Syria?," in which I discussed the views of Dan Riehl, Jules Crittenden, and others views on talking with Iran, these comments by Behrouz Souresrafil appear to offer an interesting follow up:

Talks will soon begin between America and the Islamic Republic, first between the ambassadors of these nations, Iraq, Syria, Iran and America in Iraq and later the foreign ministers of these nations. In my view, and forgive me if I am speaking to you hopelessly, the Islamic Republic will build the atomic bomb, Israel will suffer the greatest damage in its history in savage warfare, and these Iranians who are supposedly fighting this regime, who have disgraced themselves in these three or four years, must prepare themselves for a harder, longer fight that will require even greater will and resolve, of which I am not able to see much evidence.
Behrouz Souresrafil is a well-known Iranian commentator broadcasting in Persian by satellite on PARS TV from Winnetka California. He's known for his hatred for the Islamic Repubic of Iran for ruining the country and oppressing its people, contempt for the USA's incompetence dealing with it and mistrust of the Iranian expatriate opposition, which he considers corrupt and halfhearted. He believes (but offers no evidence) that Iraq's current prime minister Nouri al-Maliki was chosen by Syria and Iran, and that all the members of the current Iraqi government are beholden to and chosen by outsiders. He also believes this has been true since the US first invaded Iraq in 2003.

In his February 27 commentary he offered some very sobering thoughts that, if anywhere near being on target, should have all Americans up on their feet demanding much more out of Congress and the Administration in fighting Islamic fascism and stopping Iran (unfortunately, the video is in Farsi):

The translation in the extended post below is from the LiveLeak.com poster and I can't attest to the accuracy of the translation. A commenter at the post says that PARS TV is one of many Persian satellite channels around Los Angeles, and most of them have oppostion programs against the government of Iran. Again, if Souresrafil has any credibility, his thoughts should be given some very strong consideration:

Today, this very day, the very moment I am speaking with you, in my view the Free World, or what is known as the Free World and is in any case still famous, does not exist. There is no such world, there is no such camp.

In truth Europe has made itself the captive of Islamic Fascism, a captive of anti-American feelings and once again a captive of antisemitic feelings.

If there are two nations left in the world that may have a hope of saving themselves and through whom there may at some unknown time in the future be a hope of saving the people of the world, those two nations are America and to a lesser extent, Australia.

Today, in my view another Yalta has taken shape. Just in the last few days, after some diplomatic deal-making, both at the table and behind the scenes, unfortunately the American government, the only nation left that holds out hope for supporting the people of Iran, has given in to the leader of Islamic Fascism, meaning Iran and today's Islamic Republic.

Fifth column elements from the Islamic Republic, but not just them, have been able to convince the American government that there is no use, it must abandon this fight and surrender to the circumstances. We do not know more than this and it is not clear what will happen.

However, the world will begin difficult times. When I say the world, I really mean the world. While charlatans such as Mr. Al Gore, who has just won an Oscar, is filling the minds of many people with rotten and outdated theories such as global warming, the world will be experiencing a long and cold winter in the clutches of Islamic Fascism. With all of this deceitful beating of war drums, the sending of American naval vessels and aircraft carriers to the Persian Gulf, the quarrels and fights in the American Congress over sending a few thousand more American soldiers to Afghanistan--where in truth the Taliban are also getting the upper hand--unfortunately despite all of these things, America has surrendered.

Talks will soon begin between America and the Islamic Republic, first between the ambassadors of these nations, Iraq, Syria, Iran and America in Iraq and later the foreign ministers of these nations. In my view, and forgive me if I am speaking to you hopelessly, the Islamic Republic will build the atomic bomb, Israel will suffer the greatest damage in its history in savage warfare, and these Iranians who are supposedly fighting this regime, who have disgraced themselves in these three or four years, must prepare themselves for a harder, longer fight that will require even greater will and resolve, of which I am not able to see much evidence.

Readers will find more on Behrouz Souresrafil's views on Iran and Iraq here ...

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at March 1, 2007 7:36 AM

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