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March 22, 2007

Terrororist Supporting, Antisemitic, Conspiracy Theorist Teaching at Dalton State College In Georgia

HassanAEl-Najjar.jpgI agree with Rusty; this cockroach could use some light to shine on his work on behalf of terrorists of all stripes:

Dr. Hassan A. El-Najjar teaches Sociology at Dalton State College. He also runs the website Aljazeerah.info (worse than the al Jazeera).

In the past, he has linked to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Just today he claimed that car bombings in Iraq and other civilian casualties are really the work of British soldiers (and, by allusion, U.S. soldiers) trying to make the world think there is Sunni vs. Shia violence.

He claims terrorists in Iraq are "resistance fighters" while IDF soldiers are "terrorist forces". He also claims that the now deceased leaders of two officially designated foreign terrorist organizations (the PFLP and Hamas) are "martyrs".

In addition, his "academic work" is shoddy at best, fraudulent at worst.

Much more here.

Reading through Rusty's post, it's hard not to believe that Dalton State College in Georgia has it's own little terrorist propaganda cell. Is the administration stone dead or is it in-sync with, and a supporter of, radical Islam and Islamofascism? Do the state's lawmakers know what's going on at Dalton State?

This DEFINITELY needs to get as much attention as possible, and surely the administration and state officials need to hear about this.

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at March 22, 2007 7:07 PM

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