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April 17, 2007
Britain Stops Using 'War On Terror' Phrase - Wants U.S. To Use More 'Soft Power'
More "Soft Power"? Now that's going to terrify Islamic ideologues with no conscience, that hate everyone that doesn't believe as they do, and has no problem blowing themselves up and murdering innocent people for 72 imagined virgins:
The British government has stopped using the phrase "war on terror" to refer to the struggle against political and religious violence, according to a Cabinet minister's prepared remarks for a Monday speech.Surely the millions of "tiny number of political and religious extremists" that use "violence" in their "struggle" are going to cringe in fear of being attacked by those values and ideas, as they arm themselves with AK-47s, plastic explosives, and WMDs.... "We do not use the phrase 'war on terror' because we can't win by military means alone, and because this isn't us against one organized enemy with a clear identity and a coherent set of objectives," Benn said.
... "It is the vast majority of the people in the world -- of all nationalities and faiths -- against a small number of loose, shifting and disparate groups who have relatively little in common apart from their identification with others who share their distorted view of the world and their idea of being part of something bigger."
... Benn urged Americans to use the "soft power" of values and ideas as well as military strength to defeat extremism.
While no reasonable person should argue against using all means to defeat radical Islam, and clearly values and ideas can go a long way toward slowing down those not already committed to the sick ideology of radical Islam, to believe that values and ideas are going to defeat the large and growing number of radical Islamists and their terrorist state supporters is sheer lunacy. Contrary to the British government's belief that Islamic terrorists are "a small number of loose, shifting and disparate groups who have relatively little in common apart from their identification with others who share their distorted view of the world and their idea of being part of something bigger," the number of Islamic terrorists is in the millions, they are organized, and they have much in common - RADICAL ISLAM and a commitment to destroying the West should it not convert to Islam.
Nothing in common? That remark reminds me of this video - "What do they have in common" (Golly gee, it just couldn't be that the overwhelming majority of terrorists are Muslims of Middle Eastern descent. Perhaps they all have eating disorders.):
So, should the U.S. go the way of Britain, as the Democrats are trying to have us do?
Only if we all wish to worship in mosques.
Not really related but nonetheless entertaining: (Video - click more... at link.) - hat tip: Abdul Aliyy
Cross posted from Hyscience
Posted by Richard at April 17, 2007 8:58 AM