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May 8, 2007

Al Qaeda's New Enemy In Iraq

Al-Qaeda has a new enemy in Iraq, and its not more Western coalition forces, its Iraqis themselves who want no part of a "soul-crushing fundamentalist Islamic dictatorship."

An editorial at the Chicago Tribune begins with, "You want good news from Iraq? There it is, in flashing neon." And there it is indeed; Sunni tribesmen in Anbar Province, in the heart of the insurgency, are now backing coalition and Iraqi forces against the terrorists:

[...] These Anbar leaders aren't just jawing. Thousands of Sunnis have rushed to join local police forces, with tribal leaders' encouragement. "The progress has inspired an optimism in the American command that, among some officials, borders on giddiness," The New York Times reported. "There are some people who would say we've won the war out here," one Marine officer said.

That's a phrase you don't hear often in Iraq.

While the Sunni tribal leaders probably haven't developed a sudden fondness for U.S. forces, they have apparently developed a deep disgust for the Al Qaeda agenda. The Sunnis don't want what Al Qaeda is peddling: a soul-crushing fundamentalist Islamic dictatorship.

[...] Many in Congress and across America will say any progress in Iraq is too little too late. They believe, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said, that the war is lost.

But it is not.

In a recent op-ed in The Times, Owen West, a major in the Marine Reserve who has served two tours in Iraq, said that after years of failed strategies, the military "is finally making meaningful adjustments to the complex fight." Iraq can be solved, he suggests, but only by military and political strategies that complement one another.

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Posted by Richard at May 8, 2007 9:37 PM

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