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May 18, 2007
Hundreds of Illegals Have Registered to Vote In Texas County
Here's some interesting news to go along with the Senate's amnesty bill: 1200 WOAI news in San Antonio reports that hundreds of illegal immigrants have registered to vote in Bexar County in recent years and dozens of them have actually cast ballots, canceling out the votes of U.S. citizens.
Bexar County officials deserve to be fired and kicked out of office.
You have to have a valid I.D. to buy beer, you have to have a valid I.D. to drive a car, and you should have to have a valid I.D. and proof of citizenship to vote.
To say that any law that required people to present a valid ID at the polling place might actually discourage people from voting, is absolutely ludicrous. If they're so out of touch with reality and the laws of our nation, do we want them to vote and should they?
Posted by Abdul at May 18, 2007 7:07 AM