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May 16, 2007

Iran's 'Peaceful Intentions' On Full Display

Via Religion of Peace (hat tip - Jihad Watch and PreciseNews), here's a photograph of Iran's "peaceful intentions":

Iran, the 4th largest energy exporter in the world, says it needs nuclear energy for "peaceful" purposes. This recent picture from Tehran suggests a different motive.

So, should we allow Iran, the world's leading sponsor of regional and global terrorism, to become a nuclear power? Some would suggest that we do so only if we're prepared to die!

... the world will enter a new phase of international terrorism--potentially nuclear terrorism--waged by a theocratic Shi'ite Islamic state. This is a regime, moreover, which not only routinely calls for the "annihilation" of its real or imaginary enemies, but actually conducts strategic assassinations of its alleged critics and opponents abroad. In doing so, it draws on its Shi'ite history of apocalyptic and messianic suicide-martyrdom, inspired by its founder Iman Hussein's martyrdom against the Sunni Caliphate in 680 A.D. - Iran's nuclear deception: Taqiyya and Kitman (Part I)
Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, on letting Iran build a nuclear bomb:
... "If the choice is between a nuclear-capable Iran and the use of force, then I think we need to look at the use of force, ... It's been conclusively proven Iran is not going to be talked out of its nuclear program. So to stop them from doing it, we have to massively increase the pressure, ...
Look for Iran to now increase its "appearance" of negotiations to ease tensions and negotiate. However, what it is really doing is performing in the tradition of al-Taqiyya:
"Al Taqiyya is with the tongue only; not the heart. A believer can make any statement as long as the 'heart is comfortable ..."; "God gave the believers freedom of movement by takiyya; therefore conceal thyself ..."; "Takiyya is a cloak for the believer: he who has no religion has no takiyya, associate your opponents only outwardly and oppose them inwardly."
For more on Iran's plans and the part Takiyya plays in its deceptions, take a look at "Iran's nuclear deception: Taqiyya and Kitman (Part I)":


The cloak of secrecy and deception covering Iran, its rulers and their nuclear plans has been brilliantly summarized by one of Australia's leading international affairs reporters, Nicholas Rothwell. (53) He reports: "The precise nature of [Iran's] nuclear project--which is dispersed, multiple and highly secret--would be known only to 'a handful' of top regime officials." Elsewhere, Rothwell has noted: (54)
"Figures in this world [Iran] never make themselves available for interview. They practise a secret politics. Cryptic conduct and undetected action are their trademarks. Hence ... the critical significance today of Iran in the Middle Eastern region, and as a player on the world stage ..."
Rothwell describes the secrecy cloaking Iran's nuclear programmes: (55)
"The reality ... is hard even for quasi-insiders to fathom. One Tehran observer with former ties to the power structure said in an interview that not even [the then] President Khatami and his ministers would know the truth about Iran's nuclear program. Outside the closed scientific facilities, said this source: 'You could count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who know the real goal of Iran's nuclear project.'"
Iran views the U.S. and the West as "enemies of God" and "friends of Satan", or "the Great Satan". From the Iranian perspective, the inspection regimes and provisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.) and of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (N.P.T) and the diplomatic efforts of the European Union are "operational games", which Tehran can skillfully exploit to buy time to develop clandestine nuclear programmes. The Iranians also demonstrate their diplomatic prowess in using their cultural deception modalities: zerangi, (a Persian term for "wiliness" and "guile"), which can be raised to a widely-admired art form, and khodah (the art of tricking adversaries to gain advantage). In Iran, the truth is always posht-e pardeh (hidden behind the curtain). (56)
Continue reading here ...

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at May 16, 2007 3:55 PM

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