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May 19, 2007

Iraqi Freedom Hero Soldier Beaten/Tased By Las Vegas Police At McCarran Airport!!

This happened in America, folks, and it happened to a hero of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The solider in the following video is beaten and teased by 2 officers at Las Vegas Metro Police Dept. while another Las Vegas Metro Police Officer stands back and watches with his hands in his pockets thru glass doors, then laughs and makes a little skip as he makes fun of the Soldier's fall from the first of THREE tasings with a buddy TSA employee. The soldier was getting ready to redeploy back to Iraq.

This Soldier did NOTHING wrong and NO charges were filed against him. Watch the ongoing investigation on ABC Las Vegas with Ben Deci reporting.

As Ace puts it, "The cops seem to have acted here not to protect the peace but to simply to assert their own personal authority over anyone they thought wasn't paying them enough fealty."

What the cops didn't know was that the soldiers cell phone activated during the beating and it called his wife - and was recorded!


Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at May 19, 2007 3:11 PM

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