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May 28, 2007
They Stood Tall - The American Way
Happy Memorial Day to all, on this day that we remember all the fallen.
The song in this video pays tribute to the "men who stood tall with pride", who met the call when duty beckoned and "all gave some, some gave all."
This video is to remind us of the true meaning of memorial day:
Here's the National Memorial Day Concert - Salute to the Services on PBS, aired live on PBS from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol on Sunday, May 27, 2007:
I have great difficulty watching videos like these, hearing songs of remembrance for our troops who have given their all, and being able to have dry eyes at the end of it. Sometimes, I just can't help but feel guilty for being here when my buddies aren't. I know that many of you out there, my fellow veterans, know all about that feeling, and the mixed emotions that go with it.
God Bless America and God bless our troops. They ARE us,
And a special personal salute to my fellow Marines. Semper Fi.
Posted by Richard at May 28, 2007 10:09 AM