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June 23, 2007
Teddy Kennedy sings 'en Espanol' For Senate Amnesty Bill On Former Illegal Alien's Radio Show (Updated)
Appearing on the Eddie "Piolín" Sotelo radio show (Piolin is a former illegal alien who crossed the border in 1986 with the aid of a coyote) in support of immigration "reform", aka a massive amnesty for illegal aliens, Senator Teddy Kennedy broke into song, in Spanish. Some might say that this was repulsive enough.
However, at the end of this clip you can hear Kennedy say, ""... and we're not going to let "you" down my friend," referring to the Mexican amnesty movement - not the American people!
As Lonewhacko suggests, the video with Kennedy singing should be widely distributed. So pass this on. It speaks volumes as to what the amnesty bill is really about, and it damned sure isn't about Americans - it's about Mexicans, and illegal ones at that.
And as for my reference to the former illegal alien's "Mexican Mafia" radio show, here's what an American of Mexican descent has to say about people like Eddie "Piolín" Sotelo define themselves by their membership in superficial groups like "La Raza and MECHA - the Mexican Mafia types who keep their people on the plantation with barbaric tribalist politics mixed with toxic socialism":
... it is a mistake for any individual to define oneself solely by affiliation with an ethnic culture or perceived race. Plainly, it is psychologically unhealthy. It is a naked grasp for pseudo self-esteem - a sense of self-worth attained, not from one's own achievements, but from the exaggerated achievements of one's "culture" - meaning, the achievements of other people within one's culture, oftentimes people who are long dead. The alert reader will be aware that my indictment is not exclusive to the Latino militants.Cross posted from HyscienceThis lockstep cultural Nazism is not just foolish. When it becomes an instrument of political repression, it rises to the level of an enemy to combat. Many, many Americans of Latin flavor are being held down by a political movement that keeps them dependent on government aid and government schools. Their oppressors are not whiteys or Republicans, but La Raza and MECHA - the Mexican Mafia types who keep their people on the plantation with barbaric tribalist politics mixed with toxic socialism.
Posted by Richard at June 23, 2007 9:35 AM