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July 6, 2007
Help Shut Down The Taliban's Website - Again!
The word from Rusty is that the official website for the Taliban has publicly challenged The Jawa Report to try to take them back offline again:
Readers are encouraged to click on over to Jawa Report and send emails of complaint (see links at bottom of post) to the appropriate companies (there's even a link to email the Taliban and tell them what you think of their sick, Islamonazi ideology more appropriate for the Middle Ages than the modern world). Then email all your friends to do the same.In an official announcement from the group on a well known Islamist bulletin board, the group gloats that, "For a long time now the official site of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan - Taliban has been shut down-- due to the exposure and prosecution it was closed by the enemies of Islam," but that party officials were able to get a new site up and running.
The "enemies of Islam" that were able to get their website shut down? The Jawa Report. :-)
The new website has a few more sophisticated safeguards, some of which we've already thwarted, but getting this new website shut down should not be that hard to do--with your help.
The gauntlet has been thrown. The Taliban are practically begging for their website to be PWN3D once again.
Cross posted from Hyscience
Posted by Richard at July 6, 2007 7:27 PM