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July 8, 2007
Iran Link In London-Glasgow Bomb Plot
According to the Daily Mail, "significant" links between the Glasgow-London NHS bomb plot, the terror cell, and Iran, are being investigated after intelligence was uncovered indicating a "Tehran involvement":
Telephone calls and e-mails to and from Iran have been linked to a number of the suspects questioned in Britain and Australia since the discovery of the Mercedes car bomb outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in the Haymarket nine days ago.Of interest is the fact that Kafeel Ahmed, who suffered 90 per cent burns during the Glasgow airport attack, is now believed to have been the bombmaker in the NHS terror plot. Mr Ahmed, whose brother Dr Sabeel Ahmed is also under arrest, has a doctorate in engineering, and has studied at Cambridge and Belfast. Both had lived in Iran and Saudi Arabia before arriving in Britain.
Senior government officials have been briefed about the Iranian connection amid concern that links could be uncovered to elements within Iran's own security administration.
Related: A special report on the case that spans the globe from the UK to Iraq, India and Australia - "What is so shocking about the suspected plots in Glasgow and London is the nature of the people being questioned. On the surface they appeared model candidates when they came to Britain to study and work. But their lives are turning out to be far more complex. ... The Sunday Times has traced the complex web of connections that lie behind the police investigation."
Cross posted from Hyscience
Posted by Abdul at July 8, 2007 1:35 AM