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September 11, 2007

IRINN Says Western Media Censored Esfandiari

Broadcast 11 September on Iranian state satellite TV (IRINN)

Haleh Esfandiari censored in Western media! After Haleh said at a
Washington press conference that she was not treated badly during her
period of detention at Evin Prison and that prison officials treated
her with great courtesy, the Western media and especially the
Americans distorted and censored her remarks.

Haleh Esfandiari said that during her detention nothing was ever said to her about a trial or the existence of a case against her. She said her cell at Evin Prison was well-lighted and relatively large and that she even read, exercised and wrote a book in it. She said there was no small dark solitary cell. These remarks by the director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. were not reported in the media except on a few sites.

At the same time Kian Tajbakhsh, who is currently being held at Evin Prison, told journalists "I have all the resources in prison other than a swimming pool."

Tajbakhsh: As I said, with regard to prison conditions I have access to a television. The whole time I have been at Evin I have been in a cell with a private bathroom. As I said, I have limited visits with my wife, I have almost daily telephone contact and there are also other resources.

The spokeman for the judicial power also reported today that he will soon be released from prison.

Crossposted to The Satellite News.

Posted by John at September 11, 2007 3:28 PM

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