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November 12, 2007
Words I Thought We'd Never Here From Muslims And Christians In Baghdad: 'All the people, all the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother.'
It's about time!
The Church of St. John in Baghdad has been reopened and the cross on its dome has been replaced. Yes, faith in the end of violence is now alive in battle-scarred Baghdad, as Iraqi Muslims and Christians proclaim, "All the people, all the people in Iraq, Muslim and Christian, is brother."
As Jules Crittenden says, "Faith and hope, brought to you by American fighting men and women."
However, let's not be deluded into forgetting that hurdles remain, particularly with Iran working just as hard to create havoc in Iraq as America and most Iraqis are working to have peace. Take for example the fact that the U.S. military is still finding more Iranian arms in Iraq:
The U.S. military says it is finding more arms in Iraq that have been made in, and supplied by, neighboring Iran.Cross posted from Hyscience. And now, Ahmadinejad is even accusing his own people of being "traitors."
The quantity of Iranian bomb-making components is rising, in fact, even as the level of attacks is falling in Iraq.
Posted by Abdul at November 12, 2007 3:31 PM