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March 13, 2008
Dutch Establishment Threatens to Prosecute Wilders and Claim Damages Over Film Critical Of Islam
Incredibly, the Dutch bring entirely new meaning to Bat Ye'or's definition of dhimmitude - the denial of equal rights and dignity to infidels under Sharia law. As radical Muslims threaten to indiscriminately kill Dutch citizens or retaliate against the Netherlands with a terror attack if Mr Wilders' movie "Fitna" is released, the Dutch stand fully prepared to run up the white flag and surrender their freedom of speech to Islam.
According to Bat Ye'or, dhimmitude is the "specific social condition that resulted from jihad," and as the "state of fear and insecurity" of "infidels" who are required to "accept a condition of humiliation." She believes that "the dhimmi condition can only be understood in the context of Jihad," and studies the relationship between the theological tenets of Islam and the sufferings of the Christians and Jews who, in different geographical areas and periods of history, have lived in Islamic majority areas. The cause of jihad, she argues, "was fomented around the 8th century by Muslim theologians after the death of Muhammad and led to the conquest of large swathes of three continents over the course of a long history." She writes:
Dhimmitude is the direct consequence of jihad. It embodie[s] all the Islamic laws and customs applied over a millennium on the vanquished population, Jews and Christians, living in the countries conquered by jihad and therefore Islamized. [We can observe a] return of the jihad ideology since the 1960s, and of some dhimmitude practices in Muslim countries applying the sharia [Islamic] law, or inspired by it. I stress ... the incompatibility between the concept of tolerance as expressed by the jihad-dhimmitude ideology, and the concept of human rights based on the equality of all human beings and the inalienability of their rights.In other words, the Dutch are essentially handing the keys to their civilization, as they now know it, over to the Islamists.
Source: Hyscience
Posted by Richard at March 13, 2008 11:11 PM