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March 19, 2008

Obama's 'Very' Troubling (No, Make That Scary) World View (Updated)

Kenneth Blackwell's post at Human Events yesterday tells of the very troubling underlying nature of Senator Obama's beliefs, despite Barack's eloquent speech:

[...] Barack Obama just gave an eloquent speech, but one that does not address the underlying nature of Senator Obama's beliefs. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, like Mr. Obama, believes in
a state-centered 21st century form of big-government socialism. This 21st century form of socialism is at the heart of the Liberation Theology Rev. Wright preaches from the pulpit. Today, Mr. Obama again made it clear, with all his eloquence, that he still embraces these beliefs that would require dismantling the free-market system that has made our country's economy the most prosperous in all of human history.

In contrast to Liberation Theology, the Christian orthodoxy teaches about the nature of God, the nature of man, the relationship between the two in this life, and about the hereafter. Liberation Theology, on the other hand, is a belief system about political agendas, socialistic economic policy, and redistribution of wealth. Proponents of Liberation Theology, like Rev. Wright, teach that God commands us to form a government that will supervise our economy to create government-subsidized jobs under central-government planning; guarantee healthcare and education by having government control both; and achieve 'economic equality' by redistributing wealth through massive taxes on the affluent and massive government entitlements for the poor. And it advocates replacing governments that do not embrace this socialistic agenda.

Those are the beliefs of Liberation Theology. Those are the offensive root beliefs underlying many of Rev. Wright's sermons. And though Barack Obama does not embrace Mr. Wright's offensive language, he does embrace this government-solves-everything-through-socialism worldview.

His speech was magnificent in its elegance and rhetoric, but today Mr. Obama reminded me yet again of his worldview that embraces, among other things, partial-birth abortion, military weakness, and economic socialism.

Let's not forget that Barack Obama attended Wright's church for 20 years, he sat in the pew and allowed himself to be indoctrinated with Black liberation theology and Wright's government-solves-everything-through-socialism worldview. And incredibly, he took his children to this church to be indoctrinated with the venom and Marxism of Black liberation theology.

And if you doubt that Obama advocates weakening America's military, listen to what Obama himself has to say. In the video below, Obama talks about cutting investments in missile defense systems, and most disturbing, he talks about slowing the development of future combat systems while displaying a frightening naivety in a goal of a world without nuclear weapons (HT - Wake Up America):

Americans need to wake up and recognize that Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist - and he has a very dangerous agenda for America. He is not worthy to be a U.S. senator, much less the president of the United States of America.

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at March 19, 2008 7:43 PM

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