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May 27, 2008

Obama Picks Up Critical Castro Endorsement

Great news for Obamaphiles everywhere: ""Obama picked up a highly coveted (as can only be appreciated by far left socialists and Marxists like Obama) endorsement earlier today when Fidel Castro called Obama "the most-advanced candidate" in the presidential race. Admittedly, "most advanced" sounds an awful lot like some of that elitist talk, but Castro's endorsement will surely dazzle them in Hollywood.""

Like Dean Barnett jests at the Weekly Standard, "what could Obama possibly be saying and doing that make our enemies find him so appealing? Or does Castro merely have America's best interests at heart?"

Let there be no doubt: Obama "hearts" Marxists and Marxists "heart" Obama.

What is it about Obama that attracts the company of socialists, Marxists, and radical anti-American activists? As we've posted previously (HT - Ace) - there's a whole lot of commie ninnyhammers backing the Chosen One - along with a few cacafuegos...., that everyone really needs to know about if we are to avoid having this guy and his Marxist friends in the White House.

Related: Monica Crowley:

A few weeks ago, the chief political strategist for Hamas, Ahmed Yousef, expressed delight bordering on glee at the idea that Barack Obama might be America's next president.

"Actually, we like Mr. Obama," he said. "We hope he will [win] the election."

Posted by Richard at May 27, 2008 6:42 PM

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