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June 4, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama Messiah-Quote of the Month And The 'Schtick' Behind It

"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" - Barack Hussein Obamamessiah (HT - Free Republic).

shtick also schtick or shtik (shtk)
n. Slang

1. A characteristic attribute, talent, or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention: waiters in tropical attire are part of the restaurant's shtick.
2. An entertainment routine or gimmick. - TheFreeDictionary

Is there any doubt that Barack Hussein Obama actually believes he is the second coming of Christ? As ridiculous is how the media and his supporters have voluntarily sped over the precipice of reality and common sense:

How is it that so many people actually believe this guy's shtick?: How can so many people be led blindly into thunderously embracing a media-led, Marxist-inspired, campaign by a radically-left, socialist, politician that fervently believes in Black liberation theology and who is willing to say and do anything to conceal his beliefs and agenda in order to be elected?

As for the quote, personally, I'd be embarrassed to say such a thing and just as embarrassed to even pretend that I believe it - knowing I'd be accused of being a loon by all but the most naive among a population of logical men. A very spooky side of Obama's charisma has emerged, and it's very clear to me that "Obama-mania" has gotten out of hand, and has entered Kool-Aid land. As Philip Primeau noted at the Berkeley Beacon.com, there are disturbing elements of Obama's campaign that read like plagiarized Christianity. The campaign's renowned icon-the wide, glowing "O"-is eerily reminiscent of a halo. But that's the least of it:

Obama-rama is littered with explicit religious and Biblical imagery. Former Democratic senator Gary Hart has proclaimed that the candidate will "slay the awful dragon of race." Those extravagantly charged words echo the Book of Revelation, which features Archangel Michael dispatching a satanic dragon in a classic apocalyptic scene.

In Hart's defense, that allusion is fairly arcane. Many observers are not so coy.

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile lauded Obama as a "metaphysical force," but even that exaggeration pales in comparison to American Prospect wonk Ezra Klein's gushing confession of faith. "He is not the Word made flesh," bubbles Klein, "but the triumph of word over flesh." For those unfamiliar with Christian theology, "the Word made flesh" is a popular description of Christ's essence.

An equally explosive Jesus-Obama association appeared in The Washington Post, care of a grassroots fan: "Obama is like the new wine." Wine, traditionally, is closely related to Jesus' saving grace.

Never out-crazied, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews raved, "This is bigger than Kennedy. Obama comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the new testament." The new testament-really? That's an awfully enormous (and awfully impious) assertion.

Such unhinged adulation is now commonplace. Obama lore constitutes a full-fledged genre. In major venues and minor, you learn of multitudes shrieking his name, of women fainting at rallies, of followers trading "conversion stories," of weeping masses. He is compared to Pope John Paul II, even directly to Jesus Christ. "Transformational," "transcendent," "covenant"-these are the sacred buzzwords of the Obama passion.

The senator happily embraces the divinity narrative. Backed by choir singers, his orations are delivered as scripture. "At some point in the evening," the senator preached in a January address, "a light is going to shine down and you will have an epiphany and you will say, 'I have to vote for Barack.'"

[...] Frequently, Obama refers to his rapturous supporters as "believers." At a church in October, he asked a crowd to pray that he serve as an "instrument of God," going on to pronounce, "I am confident that we can create a kingdom right here on earth," a transparent reference to the Christian idea of Jesus' second coming, and subsequent worldly reign.

The problem is not just with people thinking their idol is a messiah. The problem comes when the messiah himself starts to believe it. Clearly, we're now far beyond that point. And we can rest assured that the only bridges Obama is going to build are to the far dark side of liberaldom - Marxism - and indeed, as he promises, America will be changed forever.

And as for race relations in America? You already know the answer! In no way is Barack Hussein Obama the man to be the first Black American president. There are many better qualified men in America that I would rush to the polls to vote for. But never could I be so naive, so foolish, so stupid, as to vote for Obama - the most left-wing candidate nominated since George McGovern.

The Empty Suit
The Lie That Will Not Die
Humor (The Onion): Obama Practices Looking-Off-Into-Future Pose

Cross posted by Hyscience

Posted by Abdul at June 4, 2008 8:29 PM

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