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June 1, 2008
Iranian Foreign Minister Calls On Muslims To 'Erase' Israel
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki called on the world's Muslims today to work to "erase" Israel, in the latest of a long string of verbal attacks by Tehran against the Jewish state.
How is it that so many Muslims exist in a state of mind more appropriate for the middle ages than the modern world?
But surely Israel isn't worried. After all, if the American people are so foolishly naive as to elect him, a president B. Hussein Obama will talk to the Iranian leaders and everything will be okay. Israel will not be "erased" or, as Almadinejad has promised, be doomed to disappear like a "stinking corpse" and a "dead rat". Instead, Israel and Iran will simply join hands and sing Kumbaya - and all will be well again.
And if you believe this, please give me a quick shout. My brother's in the real estate business and he's got a great price on the Grand Canyon - if you call now (Cash only, please)!
Posted by Abdul at June 1, 2008 11:04 AM