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June 2, 2008
Obama Being Obama On Attempting To Insure Jewish Voters
In yet another striking difference between McCain and Obama, BHO attempts to ensure Jewish voters that he's Israel friendly by mentioning that his outlook has been informed by several Jewish thinkers - naming Philip Roth as an example. In other words, when confronted with a policy issue, Obama falls back on the "empty suit" approach - all talk and no substance. He has nothing to offer but he did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express one night in which he heard Israel mentioned on the television in the lobby.
McCain, on the other hand, took a very different approach to the same question. As Kevin D. Williamson notes at Media Blog on NRO, "McCain has ideas about specific Mideast policy concerns, and Obama read Portnoy's Complaint."
Obama vs. McCain on the Middle East, by Daniel Pipes.
Samantha Power and Obama's Foreign Policy Team
With Enemies Like These
Obama's International Socialist Connections
Why Obama is a Socialist
The Obama File
Posted by Richard at June 2, 2008 3:34 PM