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June 14, 2008

Utah company causes nationwide uproar over 'Sock Obama' toy

SockObama.jpgObama supporters are all in a frenzy over a toy being sold over the internet by a Utah couple. The toy is a sock monkey wearing a suit with a lapel pin for Obama. Obamamaniacs have been filling online forums and blogs with angry words over what they see as the "degrading depiction of a black man as a monkey."

I don't have much to say about this except to tell the Obama supporters to get over it. Most of America is getting damned tired of Obama and his supporters framing everything in terms of racism and trying to put Obama beyond criticism.

And as far as the "Sock Obama" toy being a "degrading depiction of a black man as a monkey," I say bulls**t.

Obama is clearly Black, and he does look like a monkey with those big ears flopping around as he spews out his Marxist dribble disguised as hope and change. And besides, this is still America and a free country - until and unless, of course, we suffer the disaster of being foolish enough to elect Obama as president.

The Utah couple has it right - let's be sure we "Sock Obama" and stop all this monkeying around.

Posted by Richard at June 14, 2008 10:59 AM

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