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January 4, 2011

Video Of Apparent NYC Blizzard Clean-Up, Slow-Down Surfaces

Disgusting, likely criminal, behavior from union bosses that George Soros' far-left Media Matters defend - blaming "Right Wing Media" instead (video below loads slowly).

NEW YORK (CBS 2/WCBS 880) -- Call it the "blizzard backlash."

Criminal investigations are under way to find out why it took so long to dig out from last week's massive snow storm.

Videos released exclusively to CBS 2's Marcia Kramer suggest that the clean-up job may have been dirtier than once thought.

One video is now in the hands of prosecutors. It shows two sanitation trucks driving down 155th Street in the Whitestone section of Queens after the blizzard without removing the snow.

Their plows were apparently raised and the snow was left untouched in their wake, apparent proof that some in the Sanitation Department engineered a work slowdown.
"[It's a] tremendous shock," said NYC Councilman Daniel Halloran, R-Queens.

Sanitation workers spotted asleep on the job, apparently hanging out at a Coney Island Dunkin Donuts for 11 straight hours and some drinking beer for six or seven hours instead of working are all being probed.

"If they find people that did criminal acts they're going to arrest them," Department of Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said.

Sources tell Kramer that one of the most amazing charges being investigated concerns the reported refusal of some sanitation supervisors to give assignments to crews of Department of Transportation plows that were sent to sanitation districts to plow residential and secondary streets in the outer boroughs, leaving them impassable.

Read more ...

Undoubtedly, situations like this raise the legitimate question of whether public employees in supervisory positions should be legally permitted to engage in tactics that unions in the private sector engage in during work disputes, and to be clear ... more and more, the evidence is pointing to a budget protest being the driving force behind a work slow-down that resulted in people dying ... including a newborn baby.

In other coverage, Fox News has been all over the story.

More Evidence Of Union Slowdowns During NYC Blizzard Cleanup

Cross posted from Hyscience

Posted by Richard at January 4, 2011 8:47 AM


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